Politique de confidentialité de la
Coalition Equitable Earth

À propos de cette politique de confidentialité

Dernière mise à jour et date d'entrée en vigueur : 30 octobre 2023

Cette politique de confidentialité explique comment Equitable Earth reçoit et traite les informations personnelles, telles que définies par la loi applicable, de ses membres et des visiteurs de ce site. Les informations personnelles ou " IP " peuvent également faire référence aux données personnelles telles qu'elles sont utilisées dans la loi applicable.

Quelles Informations et Pourquoi:  Equitable Earth reçoit des renseignements personnels dans le but de fournir des services aux membres et d'administrer des événements (collectivement appelés " services "). Plus précisément, Equitable Earth reçoit ou recueille les types de renseignements personnels suivants de la part d'organisations (" entreprises membres ") et d'individus (" membres individuels ") (collectivement appelés " membres ") afin de fournir les services : Prénom et nom de famille ; et coordonnées (adresse électronique, adresse physique de l'entreprise). Les visiteurs de son site peuvent fournir des informations sur les visiteurs (y compris le nom, l'adresse électronique professionnelle) afin que Equitable Earth puisse les contacter pour leur fournir des informations sur ses services. La Equitable Earth recueille les adresses IP afin d'améliorer ses services.

Avec Qui: Equitable Earth partage les renseignements personnels avec des fournisseurs de services de confiance dans le but de fournir les services, y compris les types de services suivants : gestion d'événements, gestion de la relation client, gestion de sites Web, hébergement de plateformes, marketing par courriel, communications de marketing et analyse de marketing.  

Respect des Lois: Equitable Earth peut divulguer des informations personnelles à un tiers si (a) elle estime qu'une telle divulgation est raisonnablement nécessaire pour se conformer à une loi, un règlement, un processus juridique ou une demande gouvernementale applicable, ou (b) pour protéger la sécurité ou l'intégrité des services contre les préjudices ou les activités illégales.

Transferts d'Entreprise: Equitable Earth peut partager ou transférer des informations personnelles dans le cadre d'une fusion, d'une vente d'actifs d'Equitable Earth, d'un financement ou d'une acquisition de l'ensemble ou d'une partie de l'entreprise à une autre société. Equitable Earth peut partager ou transférer des informations agrégées à des sociétés affiliées ou apparentées à des fins commerciales.

Utilisateurs de l'UE et du Royaume-Uni: Les utilisateurs de l'UE et du Royaume-Uni ont plusieurs droits en ce qui concerne leurs données personnelles, y compris les suivants : (i) le droit d'être informé (ii) le droit d'accès ; (iii) le droit de rectification ; (iv) le droit d'effacement ; (v) le droit de restreindre le traitement ; (vi) le droit à la portabilité des données ; (vii) le droit de s'opposer au traitement ; et (viii) les droits relatifs à la prise de décision automatisée et au profilage. Les utilisateurs de l'UE ou du Royaume-Uni ont également le droit de déposer une plainte concernant la collecte ou l'utilisation de leurs informations personnelles en informant leur autorité de surveillance de l'UE (ou du Royaume-Uni). Les bases légales de Equitable Earth pour la collecte et le traitement des données des clients comprennent le consentement et/ou l'exécution d'un contrat. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter au sujet de ce droit ou de tout autre droit des personnes concernées de l'UE ou du Royaume-Uni à l'adresse Privacy@eq-earth.com si vous avez des questions au sujet de ces droits.

Consommateurs californiens: Les membres résidant en Californie sont considérés comme des consommateurs au sens de la CCPA. Ils disposent de certains droits supplémentaires, notamment en ce qui concerne leurs informations personnelles, qui sont décrits ici. Equitable Earth ne vend pas et ne partage pas les informations personnelles telles que définies par le CCPA. Equitable Earth défend le droit à la non-discrimination tel que défini par la CCPA.

Consommateurs de Virginie: Les membres individuels résidant en Virginie sont considérés comme des consommateurs au sens de la VCDPA. Ils disposent de certains droits supplémentaires, notamment en ce qui concerne leurs informations personnelles, qui sont décrits ici. Equitable Earth ne s'engage pas dans la publicité ciblée telle que définie par la VCDPA.

Consommateurs du Colorado: Les membres individuels résidant en Colorado sont considérés comme des consommateurs en vertu de la CPA. Ils disposent de certains droits supplémentaires, notamment en ce qui concerne leurs informations personnelles, qui sont décrits ici. Equitable Earth ne s'engage pas dans la publicité ciblée telle que définie par la CPA.

Consommateurs du Connecticut: Les membres individuels résidant en Connecticut sont considérés comme des consommateurs au sens de la CDPA. Ils disposent de certains droits supplémentaires, notamment en ce qui concerne leurs informations personnelles, qui sont décrits ici. Equitable Earth ne s'engage pas dans la publicité ciblée telle que définie par la CDPA.

Consommateurs du Nevada: Nous ne vendons pas vos informations couvertes, telles que définies par la section 1.6 du chapitre 603A des lois révisées du Nevada.

Politique de conservation: Equitable Earth conserve les informations personnelles aussi longtemps que nécessaire pour fournir les services, à moins qu'une période plus longue ne soit requise à des fins juridiques ou de conformité.

Ne pas suivre: certains navigateurs proposent une option « Ne pas suivre » (« DNT »). Equitable Earth ne répond pas aux signaux DNT.

Sécurité: Equitable Earth utilise des mesures organisationnelles, techniques, administratives et technologiques conformes aux normes de l'industrie, raisonnablement conçues pour aider à protéger les informations contre la perte, l'utilisation abusive, l'accès non autorisé, la divulgation, l'altération ou la destruction. Même si Equitable Earth déploie des efforts raisonnables pour protéger les informations, aucun système de sécurité n'est impénétrable.

Politique sur les informations collectées auprès des enfants: Ce site et ces services ne sont pas destinés aux enfants de moins de 13 ans. Equitable Earth ne collecte pas sciemment des informations personnelles auprès d'enfants de moins de 13 ans.

Changements: Equitable Earth peut avoir besoin de mettre à jour cette politique de confidentialité de temps à autre pour refléter les changements apportés à ses services et les lois applicables à la fourniture des services. Si Equitable Earth modifie cette politique de confidentialité, elle révisera la date de « Dernière mise à jour » en haut de cette politique de confidentialité sur le site. L'utilisation continue de ce site ou des services après la publication d'un tel avis sera soumise aux termes de la politique de confidentialité alors en vigueur.

Contact: Si vous avez des questions concernant cette politique de confidentialité, veuillez nous contacter par e-mail à Privacy@eq-earth.com.

Equitable Earth Privacy Policy Addendum

California Consumers Rights

Members residing in California have certain rights under the CCPA. This page briefly describes those rights and the process to contact Equitable Earth to exercise your rights. Definitions used herein have the same meaning as those used in the Privacy Policy homepage. As used herein, “customer” or “user” have the same meaning. This page is incorporated by reference to Equitable Earth’s Privacy Policy and may be changed in accordance with the terms of Equitable Earth’s Privacy Policy.

  1. CCPA Consumer rights:
  1. Right to knowCalifornia residents have the right, upon a verifiable consumer request, to request that a business that collects consumers’ personal information provide them the following information for the proceeding twelve (12) months of their request:
  • the specific pieces and categories of personal information that the business has collected about the consumer;
  • the categories of sources for that information;
  • the business or commercial purposes for collecting the information; and
  • the categories of third parties with which the information was shared.
  • Right to deleteCalifornia residents have the right to request that Equitable Earth delete their personal information subject to certain exceptions.
  • Right to correct: California residents have the right to request that Paragon Legal correct their personal information subject to certain exceptions.
  • Right to opt-out of sale or share of personal information: California consumers have the right to opt-out of the sale or share of their personal information. Equitable Earth does not sell or share any Client PI.
  • Right to opt-inCalifornia consumers have the right to request that personal information collected from minors under the age of 16 opt-in to the collection and use of their personal information. Equitable Earth does not knowingly collect any personal information of minors under the age of 16.
  • Right against discrimination: California consumers have the right to not receive discriminatory treatment because they exercise their rights under CCPA. Equitable Earth does not knowingly discriminate against any customer for exercising its rights under CCPA.
  1. Process for Personal Information requests:
  2. How to make a disclosure request:

You have the right to make a free request two times in any 12-month period. We will make the disclosure within 45 days of receiving your request, unless we request an extension. In the event that we reasonably need a 45-day extension, we will notify you of the extension within the initial 45-day period.

You may request these disclosures by contacting us at Privacy@eq-earth.com. Please note that you must verify your identity and request before further action is taken. As a part of this process, government identification may be required.

  1. How to make a deletion request:

Please note that you must verify your identity and request before further action is taken. As a part of this process, government identification may be required. After we receive and validate your request, we will delete your personal information, as well as direct our service providers to delete your personal information, unless an exception applies. Contact us at Privacy@eq-earth.com to delete your data.

  1. How to designate an authorized agent:

Consistent with California law, you may designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf. In order to designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf, you must provide a valid power of attorney, the requester’s valid government issued identification, and the authorized agent’s valid government issued identification. Contact us at Privacy@eq-earth.com for more information.

  1. Categories of personal information collected:

We collect information that identifies, relates to, describes, references, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or device (“personal information”). As described in our Privacy Policy we collect this information from directly when you visit our Site, or engage us to provide Services. In particular, we have collected the following categories of personal information from consumers within the last twelve (12) months and disclosed or shared the business information with Service Providers in the last twelve (12) months for the business purposes of providing Services:

CategoryExamplesCollected: Yes or No
A. Identifiers.A real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, Social Security number, driver’s license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers.YES
B. Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)).A name, signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport number, driver’s license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial information, medical information, or health insurance information. Some personal information included in this category may overlap with other categories.NO
C. Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law.Age (40 years or older), race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, religion or creed, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental disability, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy or childbirth and related medical conditions), sexual orientation, veteran or military status, genetic information (including familial genetic information).NO
D. Commercial information.Records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.NO
E. Biometric information.Genetic, physiological, behavioral, and biological characteristics, or activity patterns used to extract a template or other identifier or identifying information, such as, fingerprints, faceprints, and voiceprints, iris or retina scans, keystroke, gait, or other physical patterns, and sleep, health, or exercise data.NO
F. Internet or other similar network activity.Browsing history, search history, information on a consumer’s interaction with a website, application, or advertisement.NO
G. Geolocation data.Physical location or movements.NO
H. Sensory data.Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information.NO
I. Professional or employment-related information.Current or past job history or performance evaluations.NO
J. Non-public education information (per the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Section 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part 99)).Education records directly related to a student maintained by an educational institution or party acting on its behalf, such as grades, transcripts, class lists, student schedules, student identification codes, student financial information, or student disciplinary records.NO
K. Inferences drawn from other personal information.Profile reflecting a person’s preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes.NO

Equitable Earth Privacy Policy Addendum

Virginia Consumers Rights

Individual Members residing in Virginia have certain rights under Virginia’s Consumer Data Protection Act.

If you are a Virginia resident, this section applies in addition to all other applicable rights and information contained in this Policy.

As a Virginia resident, you have the right to request:

  • To know more about and access your personal information.
  • That we correct your personal information that is inaccurate.
  • That we delete your personal information subject to statutory exceptions.
  • Obtain a copy of your personal information.

Please contact us via email at Privacy@eq-earth.com to exercise any of the above forementioned rights.   

The rights granted to you under Virginia law may provide us with exceptions to fulfilling your request, including where we need to retain the information to fulfill a legal obligation, complete a transaction with you, prevent fraud or any other purpose permitted by law.

Please note that we do not engage in targeted advertising, nor do we collect or process personal information considered “sensitive” under the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act. A detailed description of the information that we collect and how we use it is provided in the main Privacy Policy including a description of the categories of third parties with whom we share personal information to provide you with our services.

Should you wish to appeal a determination we have made with regard to your personal information request, send an email to Privacy@eq-earth.com within 14 days of receiving a final response from us. Include “Data Subject Rights Appeal” in the subject line of your email, and provide your name, the email address associated with your request, and any relevant information for us to investigate your appeal. We will provide a response to your request for an appeal within a reasonable time and in accordance with applicable law.

Equitable Earth Privacy Policy Addendum

Colorado Consumers Rights

Individual Members residing in Colorado have certain rights under Colorado’s Privacy Act.

If you are a Colorado resident, this section applies in addition to all other applicable rights and information contained in this Policy.

As a Colorado resident, you have the right to request:

  • To know more about and access your personal information.
  • That we correct your personal information that is inaccurate.
  • That we delete your personal information.
  • Obtain a copy of your personal information.

Please contact us via email at Privacy@eq-earth.com to exercise any of the above forementioned rights.   

The rights granted to you under Colorado law may provide us with exceptions to fulfilling your request, including where we need to retain the information to fulfill a legal obligation, complete a transaction with you, prevent fraud or any other purpose permitted by law.

Please note that we do not engage in targeted advertising, nor do we collect or process personal information considered “sensitive” under the Colorado’s Privacy Act. A detailed description of the information that we collect and how we use it is provided in the main Privacy Policy including a description of the categories of third parties with whom we share personal information to provide you with our services.

Should you wish to appeal a determination we have made with regard to your personal information request, send an email to Privacy@eq-earth.com within 14 days of receiving a final response from us. Include “Data Subject Rights Appeal” in the subject line of your email, and provide your name, the email address associated with your request, and any relevant information for us to investigate your appeal. We will provide a response to your request for an appeal within a reasonable time and in accordance with applicable law.

Equitable Earth Privacy Policy Addendum

Connecticut Consumers Rights

Individual Members residing in Connecticut have certain rights under Connecticut’s Data Privacy Act. 

If you are a Connecticut resident, this section applies in addition to all other applicable rights and information contained in this Policy.

As a Connecticut resident, you have the right to request:

  • To know more about and access your personal information.
  • That we correct your personal information that is inaccurate.
  • That we delete your personal information.
  • Obtain a copy of your personal information.

Please contact us via email at Privacy@eq-earth.com to exercise any of the above forementioned rights.   

The rights granted to you under Connecticut law may provide us with exceptions to fulfilling your request, including where we need to retain the information to fulfill a legal obligation, complete a transaction with you, prevent fraud or any other purpose permitted by law.

Please note that we do not engage in targeted advertising, nor do we collect or process personal information considered “sensitive” under the Connecticut’s Data Privacy Act. A detailed description of the information that we collect and how we use it is provided in the main Privacy Policy including a description of the categories of third parties with whom we share personal information to provide you with our services.

Should you wish to appeal a determination we have made with regard to your personal information request, send an email to Privacy@eq-earth.com within 14 days of receiving a final response from us. Include “Data Subject Rights Appeal” in the subject line of your email, and provide your name, the email address associated with your request, and any relevant information for us to investigate your appeal. We will provide a response to your request for an appeal within a reasonable time and in accordance with applicable law.
